التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

What do you know about Arabic?

  • Arabic is the most  spoken language in the Semitic language. It is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. It is spoken by more than 467 million people, and its speakers are distributed in the Arab world, as well as many other neighboring regions such as Ahwaz, Turkey, Chad, Mali, Senegal, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Iran.  The Arabic language is of utmost importance to Muslims. They have a sacred language as it is the language of the Qur'an, the language of prayer and essential in the performance of many Islamic worship and rituals.  Arabic is also a major ritual language of a number of Christian churches in the Arab world, as written by many of the most important religious and intellectual work in the Middle Ages.  The status of the Arabic language has increased following the spread of Islam among countries as it became the language of politics, science and literature for centuries in the territories ruled by Muslims.  The Arabic language has a direct and indirect effect on many other languages ​​in the Islamic world, such as Turkish, Persian, Amazigh, Kurdish, Urdu, Malay, Indonesian, Albanian, and some other African languages ​​such as Hausa, Swahili, Hungarian, Hungarian, Hungarian, Amharic, and Somalian. Some of its languages ​​are in English and other languages,  Such as Admiral, Tariff, Alcohol, Algebra and Star Names.  It is also taught formally or informally in Islamic countries and African countries adjacent to the Arab world.

    •  Arabic is an official language in all Arab countries, as well as an official language in Chad, Eritrea and Israel.  It is one of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations, and the International Day of Arabic is celebrated on 18 December
    • As a reminder of the adoption of Arabic among the working languages ​​of the United Nations.

       The Arabic language is one of the most heavily spoken languages ​​in terms of language. For example, the Arabic glossary of Ibn al-Arab contains more than 80,000 articles, while in English the Samuel Johnson Dictionary - one of the first to develop an English dictionary of the 18th century - contains  On 42 thousand words.

       Arabic contains 28 characters in writing.  Some linguists believe that the character of Hamzah should be added to the letters of Arabic, so that the number of letters is 29. Arabic is written from right to left - like Persian and Hebrew, unlike many international languages ​​- and from top to bottom.


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